In This Together: How We’re Staying #HealthyatHome During Coronavirus

In This Together: How We’re Staying #HealthyatHome During Coronavirus

The coronavirus has undeniably uprooted lives around the world. And the lives of our team here at UofL Online Learning are no exception.

We may all still be engaged and ready to help anyone looking to get started with online education at the University of Louisville — but we’re also working remotely, from the safety of our homes. And that means, like everyone else, we’re practicing good social distancing and doing our best to stay #healthyathome. And also dealing with new and slightly more unruly co-workers that look a lot like our kids, spouses and pets…

Here’s what we’ve been up to these past few weeks.

They say life is all about balance, right? For me, staying #healthyathome has meant finding a good balance between supporting my emotional health through chips and Oreos (#doublestuffedFTW) and my physical/mental health through bike rides through the neighborhood with my daughter and home yoga workouts.

Ashley J., Marketing

Working from home has certainly been a change of pace. One of my new coworkers howls every time someone walks by and the other is constantly leaving her hair all over the place—weirdos.  I’ve been staying healthy at home and supporting #TeamKentucky by reading all. the. books. I’ve also discovered some new Netflix gems (no one else has watched Ozark yet, right?) and learned to French-braid my hair.

Caitlin H., Marketing

With plenty of hobbies and nice weather, I’m enjoying my time at home. I’ve been sewing, using Steam to play cards with friends online and getting outside to play Pokemon Go. My home office stool is generally uncomfortable, but I get up from my desk to stretch as needed.

Danielle E., Administrative Systems

During the workday, I set a timer to remind myself to get up and stretch every hour. I occasionally do some jumping jacks or walk the stairs a few times. I love walking my dog on lunch breaks and my cat is a relaxing presence in my home office. Outside of work hours, I video chat friends and family as much as possible. We’ve discovered we can even play Jackbox Games virtually!

Erin E., Enrollment

For me, staying #healthyathome has meant long walks with my dog, Beau. It has also meant catching up on all of my favorite Bravo reality shows and snacking on way too many Reese’s.

Macy B., Recruitment

Keeping positive during the work-from-home order at the University of Louisville has been easy. I’m still connected to students and to my family with the help of virtual tools. Frequent walks in my neighborhood are refreshing and audiobooks keep my mind sharp.

Meredith Wright, Enrollment

For me, staying #healthyathome has meant finding ways to keep my spirits up. I like getting mid-day hugs from my two little boys as a pick me up. Having a one year old and two year old, getting fresh air and exercise has been key to keeping our house sane. We try to get outside any day that is nice and spend the evenings going for walks or playing in the yard.

Samantha Barnes, Marketing

My family is staying healthy at home (and sane) by spending as much time as possible outside—creating chalk masterpieces in the driveway, going on walks, bike rides, playing in the backyard or just sitting and talking on the patio. I am personally using this time to improve on my mediation and yoga practices and may have slightly increased my wine intake.

Sara M., Marketing

For me, staying #healthyathome has been trying to focus on being present. Cooking a good meal, getting in a solid home workout, or taking a nice walk in the sun all help me slow down and focus on the now. Pictured is a green tofu curry dish I whipped up!

Tristan B., Enrollment

My #healthyathome routine includes; good shows, good food and a good sweat! I’ve been enjoying staying inside and doing some extreme self-care by watching some binge worthy shows, eating my favorite foods and closing all of my rings via my apple watch through yoga and getting some miles in around my neighborhood.

Veronica J., Enrollment

Comment and let us know how you’ve been staying #healthyathome. Or, if you’re looking for more information about UofL’s online programs, reach out and let us know!

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