Category: Organizational Leadership & Learning

Unfinished Business: A UofL professor’s dedication to helping adult students cross the finish line

Unfinished Business: A UofL professor’s dedication to helping adult students cross the finish line

Matt Bergman, Ph.D. is an assistant professor at the University of Louisville (UofL) teaching both undergraduate and graduate students. Anyone that has the opportunity to work with Dr. Bergman can tell you, he has found a calling working with students who have not been able to follow the traditional college path. He works with adults who have an unfinished bachelor’s degree but have completed some college, maybe even decades ago.

Interested in finishing
your bachelor’s degree?
ind out more about the
B.S. OLL program at UofL.

The reasons for leaving college before completing their degree may vary, but all of these students’ stories share a common thread—they all found the courage and the drive to come back and finish what they started.

Dr. Bergman and Dr. Joann Olson, a senior scholar from Texas, recently published a book chronicling the experiences of these students. A full description of Unfinished Business is available from the publisher.

We sat down with Dr. Bergman for a quick Q&A, to learn more about Unfinished Business. Here is what he shared:

I love that you titled your book Unfinished Business—it is very fitting. How did you land on that? Were there any other contenders for the title?
MB: The title has been in place for over four years. It came to me in a conversation with a student and right then I knew it captured the essence of what these adult learners are thinking as they consider a return to college.

I think anyone who gets to work with you knows how passionate you are about reaching and connecting with this group – adults with some college but no degree – and helping them cross the finish line. What inspires you to dedicate yourself to supporting this demographic?
MB: This group has so many life experiences and a ton of professional expertise to draw from when they re-engage with the academic setting. It is so amazing to learn alongside them as you introduce a complex theory and watch them make direct connections to their real-life work. It is truly research-to-practice the whole time they are working through our degree. The commitment to getting an “A” in every class is palpable. They don’t like to settle for anything less. They are trying to serve as an inspiration to their children and they want to model the kind of grades they expect from their kids.

Unfinished Business is a collection of student stories and I know each student’s journey is unique, but is there one story that really stands out to you?
MB: There are too many to really identify one particular story. However, if I had to pick one or two, I would start with Phillip Alier. He is one of the “Lost Boys from Sudan” who had to walk 1,000 miles to their freedom, many years ago. As he said at a book launch event, he came to America with nothing. He only had a bag full of a couple of documents and an X-ray to prove he wasn’t bringing any diseases to this country. His journey is worthy of a whole book itself. He is actually searching for a partner to write a biography. I encourage those reading this and wanting to connect with him to please reach out and we can get that project rolling.

I also love the story of Joe Jacoby. A three-time Super Bowl Champion and four-time Pro-Bowler, Joe came back to finish his Unfinished Business in his 50s. He had a nagging feeling that he needed to finish the degree for no other reason other than to prove to himself that he could get it done. He had all of the accomplishments in the world but he left UofL to pursue his dreams in the NFL and didn’t finalize his last bit of course work. He enrolled in the Organizational Leadership and Learning (OLL) program at UofL and was able to make direct connections from the course content to his businesses and his coaching efforts. It was a perfect match and we are grateful that he and Phillip are graduates of our program.

You have been leading the UofL initiative to get these students to come back and finish their degree. Is this a national trend? Are more universities making similar outreach efforts?
MB: We recently started a university-wide Comeback Cards initiative facilitated under the leadership of Dr. Gale Rhodes and Dr. Beth Willey. Through our Institutional Research Office, we identified students that were a couple classes away from the finish line and reached out to recruit them back to complete their remaining requirements. With the support of the Provost’s office, we have been able to recruit, enroll, and graduate 50 students that have graduated in 2019. These people had been separated from the university for a wide array of reasons, but we were able to offer small scholarships to re-engage and get them to graduation. It has been a labor-intensive process that involves a large number of offices across campus, but it has been worth all of the effort to get 50 people to the finish line within six to eight months of rolling out the Comeback Cards initiative.

This is definitely a national trend. Colleges and Universities across the country are going into their student databases to find these individuals that haven’t finished and are facilitating innovative programs to get these people to and through their final requirements. Places like University of Memphis, Wayne State University, and the University of South Carolina have been models that we have used to put our initiative together. This is not a “give-away” type of program. These students are hungry to finish their degrees so their level of commitment is high when they re-enroll. We just have to find them, help them get started, and then get out of the way.

What would you say to someone who is reading this interview and is on the fence about coming back to finish their degree?
MB: There is no perfect time to come back. So, that means the time is now. There will always be competing responsibilities pulling you away from the goal of finishing your degree. However, UofL now has services and programs that are tailored to the needs of working adults. Whether you want online, evening, or a mix of the two, you can find a way to carve out enough space in life to get your degree completed. We are done saying “we will give you another chance” and instead, we are saying, “please give us another chance” as an institution. We have changed policy and practice to create a flexible and convenient path to your degree. Give us another shot and we will help you fulfill your long-held dream of completing your degree.

What unique benefits do you feel like online learning offers adult students who want to complete their degrees? Do many of your students choose this option?
MB: There is no doubt that the flexibility of online learning is the key to many students’ success. The “life load” that people are carrying is an important consideration as people return. Online makes it possible to balance that “life load” with a sprinkling of relevant, rigorous, and research-based content that will make your life better if you engage with it. I hear every day how the content in OLL is changing people’s lives for the better. They feel more empowered, more confident, and more prepared to move forward in their careers because of the exposure to our curriculum. It is a wonderful situation that drives me every day to find and connect people to UofL.

If you’re ready to take the leap and finish what YOU started, find out more about the B.S. OLL program at UofL or all of UofL’s online programs. Our faculty and staff are ready to provide the guidance and support that adult professionals returning to school need, from start to finish.

Purchase a copy of Dr. Bergman’s book Unfinished Business.
Author: Matt Bergman, Ph.D., Program Director/Assistant Professor, Educational Leadership, Evaluation, & Org. Development, College of Education & Human Development, University of Louisville, 502-852-7753,

Interview conducted by Caitlin Horsley, Online Learning marketing coordinator

Shine brighter: Get the credit you deserve with UofL Online’s CBE Program

Shine brighter: Get the credit you deserve with UofL Online’s CBE Program

When Rachel McClain was researching options to go back to school and found the online healthcare leadership program at the University of Louisville (UofL), she knew it was exactly what she needed. “It instantly made me smile,”she said. “It was perfect.” Indeed, it was a perfect match.

For Program Director Lee Bewley, the feeling was mutual. “Our first introduction to Rachel McClain was great,” he notes. “She had several years of experience working in the healthcare field and she had the time to focus on her own development.”

Rachel went to work in the healthcare industry after earning her associate’s degree. “I was making what I thought was decent money at the time and it didn’t require me to have a degree,” she says. But what she calls “extenuating circumstances” changed her perspective on everything.

Turning darkness into light

“I woke up one morning and it was really blurry,” Rachel explains. “I ended up losing feeling in my face and, ultimately, I had a stroke.” She was in recovery for six months afterwards and says the entire experience led her to think about her journey and the path she wanted to follow.

“It definitely changed how I thought about life,” she says. “That’s when I really took the turn and said no time like the present. It’s time to go back to school.”

Helping her shine

When Rachel compared schools, she says “UofL was top on the list.” She found the right fit with UofL’s online Bachelor of Science in Organizational Leadership & Learning with a focus on Healthcare Leadership —the university’s first Competency-Based Education (CBE) program.

The 100% online CBE program recognizes previous college credit hours and work experience, and Rachel had both. She could also customize her education and move at her own pace, as UofL’s CBE program gives students the ability to test out of courses for which they master certain competencies and progress through their degree based on knowledge they still need to acquire. “I was able to finish a course and then immediately start one up within 72 hours,” she notes.

Lee Bewley was impressed with Rachel’s skills and experience as she progressed through her program. “What we found as Rachel was going through the courses is that she had already developed a number of healthcare leadership and management competencies,” he says. “Our role was to provide her with the incremental development and one-on-one support necessary for successfully demonstrating those competencies and earning credits toward her degree.”

Rachel’s experience from the beginning and throughout the program was excellent. “From my success coach to financial aid, everyone that I spoke to it was incredible,”she shares. “They were motivating, they were supportive, and they were encouraging.”

Both the people at UofL and the design of the program helped her get her degree faster. “I was able to finish this online program in about ten months because it was tailored to me specifically,” she explains. “It provides so much flexibility that it’s kind of a no-brainer.”

A brighter future

Rachel’s story highlights her own unique circumstances, but many adult learners and professionals seeking a flexible path to finish their degree can relate to her story. The opportunity to customize your learning experience from start to finish, show what you know and get the credit you deserve is open to anyone with the right background.

Incoming students can transfer 36 hours or more of General Education credits from any regionally accredited institution. In addition, the Prior Learning Assessment (PLA) course allows you to obtain credit for professional knowledge and skills developed in your career. That can mean earning up to 48 credit hours tuition-free, which lets you save up to $23,856 over the course of the program.

The remaining 12 courses (36 hours) to complete the degree are offered in two formats:

  • Flex Pace gives students 32 weeks to move through the program, providing more flexibility and self-direction. The curriculum is based on the National Center for Healthcare Leadership’s ( competency model, which is one of the leading industry standard models for healthcare executive competencies development.
  • Set Pace is structured on 8-week traditional terms but still offers flexibility in the length of time it takes to complete the program. Students can finish their degree in as little as three intensive semesters or in as many as are needed.

No matter which option you choose, what’s important is taking the first step on your journey to a bachelor’s degree. Returning to school and reaching her goal has given Rachel a sense of accomplishment and purpose. “This program has definitely prepared me for the future, and it’s given me confidence to pursue things that I wouldn’t have pursued in the past,” Rachel says. “It’s given me a degree and that was what I really wanted. It’s an amazing feeling; I feel empowered and I feel confident.”

Follow Rachel’s lead. Customize your learning experience from start to finish, show what you know and get the credit you deserve. Let UofL Online bring campus and career advance to you with the online Bachelor of Science in Organizational Leadership and Learning – Healthcare Leadership program.

Find out more and apply today!

This blog post was originally published on Insider Louisville.

The road to success starts in all different places

The road to success starts in all different places

Amy Lear (pictured above) started her college degree 20 years ago, but put it on hold to support and raise her family. When her son was ready to start high school, she knew it was time to go back. “I had that expectation for him to go to college,” she says. “I wanted to lead by example.”

Amy met with an advisor at UofL and, after talking about her goals and experience, the advisor told Amy she had the perfect program in mind to build on her background and career goals — the online B.S. in Organizational Leadership & Learning (OLL).

During his time in the military, Robert Carlson attended college, but didn’t graduate. After leaving the service, he took time to reflect on his life and career goals. “It wasn’t so much how to make money because I knew that I had skills that would be marketable,” he explains.

Instead, he was more focused on who he wanted to become and what he wanted to do, questions he says he didn’t have answers for when he first went to college. Robert says he attended another university to finish his degree but it wasn’t the right fit. That’s when he discovered the OLL program through UofL Online and knew he’d found what he was looking for.

Building Confidence, Reaching Goals

Amy and Robert had very different paths, but both had the drive to finish their degrees with the benefit of work and life experience. “The Bachelor of Science in Organizational Leadership & Learning is a perfect program for adults with some college but no degree,” says Assistant Professor Matt Bergman. “We acknowledge what you have done within the workforce and translate that into academic credit.”

In the OLL program, validation of knowledge, skills and competencies starts with the first major course — Prior Learning Assessment (PLA). The PLA course helps students evaluate and document their learning from work experiences, college credits and specialized training to receive up to 48 credit hours (the equivalent of 16 courses). It not only helps students accumulate credit hours, it also helps build their confidence.

“The process is amazing,” says Matt. “It helps dig into their experiences and their evolution within the workforce.”

“To stop and evaluate those 20 years and really see those accomplishments that you probably take for granted was huge,” says Amy. “To have the opportunity to have 28 hours go towards my college degree and not have to pay the additional fees or attend those additional classes was amazing.”

A Supportive Learning Community

Matt says his favorite part of every semester is hearing the students’ stories and learning their reasons for returning to school to finish their degree, whether it’s career advancement or personal fulfillment. While the “why” varies, he says the OLL program is designed to support each student’s individual success.

“We have a solidarity movement in our program. We will lift each other up, we will create the space to make this a priority in your life and to fulfill the long-held dream of finishing your college degree,” he explains.

All of the full-time faculty in the OLL program have industry experience that directly links to the concepts taught in the classroom, but what makes the program stand out is the dedication to helping each student understand and be able to apply what they learn. “If I had a question, they immediately responded in email,” says Amy. “If that question needed to be answered in person, we were setting up a time and meeting face to face.”

And because the program is 100% online, students can access courses and tools from anywhere and create a schedule that works best for them. It allows students to complete their degree on their terms, with the option to accelerate their degree completion to just three intensive semesters.

For many students, the B.S. in Organizational Leadership & Learning is the degree they need for professional and personal growth, but it also provides an excellent foundation for advancing to the online Master of Science in Human Resources and Organization Development, or other graduate program that fits their career path.

Moving Forward, Fulfilling Dreams

“My wish for our students when they graduate is to fulfill their life’s dreams,” say Matt. “That sounds hokey but it is so true, because with that piece of paper, they have opportunities that were not available to them prior to graduation.”

“Participating in the OLL program really did change the course of my life,” Robert says. “If you want to be surrounded by people who get it and who respect the experience you have and who will help you continue on your trajectory, continue moving forward, then it’s the right program to get into.”

UofL Online can bring the campus to you with the online Bachelor of Science in Organizational Leadership and Learning. Find out more and apply today.

This blog post was originally published on Insider Louisville.

No Time Like the Present: Healthcare Leadership Graduate Testimonial

No Time Like the Present: Healthcare Leadership Graduate Testimonial

Rachel McClain didn’t know what her life was missing—not until she almost lost her chance to find out.

After unexpectedly suffering a stroke, Rachel realized she wanted to live life to the fullest and achieve more. She found the perfect place to start at the University of Louisville. Earning a degree 100% online in Healthcare Leadership set Rachel up for career advancement and personal fulfillment.

Rachel started her education at a local community college right out of high school. When she got a full-time job in sales that didn’t require a college education, earning what she believed was decent income, she decided not to finish her degree.

Years later, she found herself passed up for jobs in lieu of others who had a bachelor’s degree. Despite having the necessary experience and intellect, her lack of a college diploma held her back from career progression.

Rachel’s mindset then was to live in the moment. As a result, she rarely found herself thinking much about the long-term and continuing her education wasn’t really on her mind.

However, when life intervened, her perspective changed. After recovering from a stroke, Rachel knew it was time to go back to school.

“I woke up one morning and it was really blurry. I ended up losing feeling in my face and ultimately, I had a stroke. I was debilitated for about six months. I went to occupational speech and physical therapy, where I learned to walk again, talk again and have motor skills again. And that’s when I really took the turn and said no time like the present. It’s time to go back to school.”

Rachel McClain

Start to Finish in Less Than a Year

Continuing her education and finishing the degree she previously started became her primary mission.

Rachel initially enrolled in a traditional four-year program, but it didn’t feel quite right. When she discovered the Healthcare Leadership (HCL) program, the first competency-based education degree delivered 100% online at UofL, she knew she’d found the perfect fit. Not only did the HCL program allow her to balance work and education, but it gave her the chance to capitalize on her decade-long professional experience and helped her reach the finish line much faster.

“[The Healthcare Leadership program] was everything I wanted. It instantly made me smile. It was perfect.”

Rachel McClain

Competency-based education (CBE) looks at prior education and/or working experience and rewards students with course credits for mastered competencies. In other words, students can test out of classes where they are knowledgeable and immediately start another class where they learn new concepts and skills. This method allows students to progress toward degree completion at a pace that fits their learning style.

For Rachel, this model allowed her to graduate with her bachelor’s degree in just about 10 months.

Since graduating from the healthcare leadership program, Rachel has been promoted within her organization and her life has changed for the better. Her experience as an online student and the degree she earned allows her to shine and gives her confidence to pursue even bigger dreams for her future.

Take The Leap

“To someone that is considering this degree: take the leap. There’s no time like the present and I think this program provides so much flexibility that it’s kind of a no brainer. Don’t put it off until tomorrow. I really think that this program has only given me benefits in my life and I would recommend it to anyone.”

Rachel McClain

Although Rachel worried about the commitment she had to make to finish her degree, as well as having another stroke during the process, she knew she couldn’t let anything hold her back. With the support and encouragement of her friends and family, Rachel took the leap to better her future—and it paid off.

This is Rachel’s story. Inspired by a shift in perspective, she went back to school to change her life and further her career. This is her why!

What’s YOUR why?

Check out our YouTube page to hear testimonials from other UofL Online programs and students, or read more student success stories here.

UofL Online

University of Louisville offers various degrees and certificate programs 100% online. These programs deliver quality online education to non-traditional students who are not able to come to a physical campus and want to earn a college degree or certificate to start or advance their career.