Category: Feature Stories

Breaking Generational Curses Through Education

Breaking Generational Curses Through Education

The fifth century Chinese philosopher Laozi once said, “A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.” For Kenovia Haggerty, that single step was more of a leap of faith.  

Kenovia lived in Houston, Texas with her husband, JaRon, and their two beautiful children, Kylah, and JJ. The two had built a good life together; respectable careers, thriving children, and a home. But what happens when “good enough,” is no longer enough? For Kenovia, that moment of self-discovery sparked one day, at her job right before the start of the COVID-19 pandemic. Kenovia graduated college with a passing GPA and had accepted a job as a steppingstone to future opportunities. After spending some time in that role, Kenovia began to realize the limitations of what her current skillset could offer an employer, and where she could take that career with some additional human resources education. Knowing that graduate school was likely in her future, she began conversations with her husband (who was also preparing to start graduate school) about what the next chapter of their lives would entail. 

Their journey to success was a long, winding road that lasted about 2 years, fraught with trial and tribulation, taking them far away from their home state and any kind of family support. The beautiful result of these efforts was two highly accomplished individuals that together have cemented and solidified their manifestation of a lifetime of opportunity, both for themselves and for their family. 

Overcoming barriers 

Kenovia had some doubts; her undergraduate academic background was not the strongest when she began applying to master’s programs. With concerns about how her GPA could impact her acceptance into master’s programs, the application process to other schools was daunting. Kenovia said, “[I] had some transferable skills from being in banking and in management, but none in HR, so I saw the online Master of Science in Human Resources and Organization Development (MS HROD) program at UofL as an opportunity to fill in some of those gaps. Then I thought that I would be able to log in when I needed to, and I’d have that support to get through it.”  

Kenovia did not receive a ton of initial support from her family; some in her extended family felt that graduate education would only lead to more student debt, and that pursuing additional education was not the wisest endeavor. Her biggest supporter was JaRon, who encouraged her to consider all options and choose whichever one would provide the most growth opportunity for their family. Though they would be studying at different institutions, they would be undergoing the journey together. “It was very important for us to find a program that was SHRM-aligned, because her goals were to circumvent this learning curve so that [she] can move up quickly, and become more marketable,” JaRon notes. 

Taking the first step 

For Kenovia, a pivotal conversation was with Ron Sheffield, Ed.D., and the program director for UofL’s online MS HROD program. Sheffield provided her with the comfort and knowledge that she would be supported throughout her endeavors to achieve an MS in HROD degree. “He was awesome. I just felt like, OK, this could be a little family here. If I need help, I’ll be able to get it and that this program could fit into the type of lifestyle I was about to have,” Kenovia notes. Another pillar of support in this journey was the faith in God the couple shared together. “Me and my husband believe in making sure that our decisions are led by us praying and taking our time with things. Our big prayer was to find a program that could fit our new lifestyle.”  

JaRon had already been accepted with a full-ride scholarship to an MBA program at a different institution in Bloomington, and with Louisville being located relatively close, the two packed up their lives in Texas and made the long journey north, arriving at their new, temporary home in Indianapolis. From there, the two settled into their new routine, juggling their education with the needs of work and their children. Kenovia, especially, had to manage life as a self-described “temporarily single parent,” except for instances where JaRon was able to return from Bloomington to spend time with the family.  

Getting to the goal line together 

Years of effort and hard work finally paid off this summer, when Kenovia finally graduated with a MS in Human Resources and Organization Development from UofL, and JaRon graduated with an MBA. Now, the two can look forward with confidence and momentum to all that is coming next for their family, with a world of opportunity in front of them.  

When asked about what they would recommend to others in a similar situation, Kenovia shared, “Prioritize your time, and if you do have a partner, keep the lines of communication open about everything that you’re feeling, because we had some really hard times trying to keep us together with trying to keep the goal at the forefront.” 

For the time being, the two are moving again, heading up to Chicago to take on this next chapter in their lives. Kenovia plans to work out of a Merchants Bank of Indiana branch near their new home. “I do feel like the program is helping advance my career. I started off as a HR analyst initially and then I just got promoted this year to HR generalist. Right now, I am helping with orientation, training, and all these different things that I can do. I feel like UofL’s online program gave me the confidence I needed.” 

We are grateful to Kenovia for sharing her story with us; she and JaRon have worked together to craft a life story they are proud of. “We feel like we broke some generational curses with both of us having the education that we have and our kids being able to see that and that is rewarding,” Kenovia and JaRon note. They are a living testament to the fact that, no matter where you are in life, you can dream big, accomplish your goals, and better your family’s future.  

If you want to take the next step in your life’s journey like Kenovia, you can click here and learn more about the Master of Science in Human Resources and Organization Development online program at UofL. 

New Online Program Launch: Graduate Certificate in Business of Healthcare

New Online Program Launch: Graduate Certificate in Business of Healthcare

We are thrilled to announce the launch of our newest program, the 100% online and asynchronous Graduate Certificate in Business of Healthcare!  

This exciting new program is designed for both business professionals and practicing clinicians to gain the business skills and healthcare experience necessary to take on leadership roles within healthcare systems, private practices and more.  

The great part of this program is that, as a Graduate Certificate, the time commitment is significantly less than that of a full-time graduate program. Practicing clinicians will be able to gain skills and experience on their own time and schedule, in a condensed format designed to be completed quickly. Additionally, this program is fantastic for business professionals or MBA students looking to work in a leadership or administrative role within a hospital or healthcare system.  

There’s so much more to this program too. Here are a few quick program benefits:  

  • Gain necessary business experience without the time commitment of a full MBA—ideal for those practicing medicine, already working in healthcare, or wanting to get into the healthcare industry. 
  • Learn how to bridge the relationship between business and medicine.  
  • Implement practices that will demonstrate quality improvement of healthcare operations.  
  • Utilize your business experience to dive into the healthcare field. 

Don’t wait! Check out our Graduate Certificate in Business of Healthcare today and apply to get started this coming spring!  

New Online Program Launch: The Power of a Graduate Certificate in Healthcare Systems Engineering

New Online Program Launch: The Power of a Graduate Certificate in Healthcare Systems Engineering

We are thrilled to announce the launch of our newest online program, the 100% online and asynchronous Graduate Certificate Healthcare Systems Engineering.  This degree is ideal for current and future healthcare professionals who are looking to enhance their skillset, improve healthcare processes and procedures, and advance professional leadership roles by gaining technical skills in analytics, predictive modeling, patient safety, and health IT. The online Graduate Certificate in Healthcare Systems Engineering is a 9-credit hour program, with each course delivered in an 8-week course format, 100% online. 

In the rapidly evolving field of healthcare, effective management and optimization of healthcare systems have become crucial. As the demand for high-quality and cost-effective care continues to rise, healthcare organizations are increasingly turning to professionals with expertise in healthcare systems engineering. Our program offers the opportunity for individuals seeking to make a significant impact in the healthcare industry by applying engineering principles and strategies to improve healthcare delivery, patient safety, and operational efficiency. 

Healthcare Systems Engineering is an interdisciplinary field that combines principles from engineering, operations research, management science, and healthcare management. It focuses on developing and implementing innovative solutions to enhance the performance of healthcare systems, including hospitals, clinics, long-term care facilities, and healthcare supply chains. By employing engineering methodologies, data analysis techniques, and process improvement strategies, healthcare systems engineers aim to optimize workflows, reduce waste, and enhance patient outcomes. 

Benefits of a Graduate Certificate in Healthcare Systems Engineering from the University of Louisville include: 

  1. Specialized Knowledge: A graduate certificate program in Healthcare Systems Engineering provides specialized knowledge and skills tailored specifically for the healthcare industry. Participants gain a deep understanding of the complex healthcare system, including the integration of technology, data analysis, and process improvement techniques. 
  1. Operational Efficiency: Healthcare systems engineers are trained to identify inefficiencies in healthcare processes and develop innovative solutions to streamline workflows. By optimizing processes such as patient flow, appointment scheduling, inventory management, and resource allocation, healthcare organizations can enhance operational efficiency, reduce costs, and improve patient satisfaction. 
  1. Quality Improvement: Quality improvement is a fundamental aspect of healthcare systems engineering. Students learn how to analyze data, identify quality metrics, and implement evidence-based practices to enhance patient safety and outcomes. By applying engineering principles to healthcare systems, graduates can drive continuous improvement initiatives and promote a culture of excellence within healthcare organizations. 
  1. Interdisciplinary Collaboration: Healthcare systems engineering requires collaboration among diverse stakeholders, including clinicians, administrators, engineers, and IT professionals. A graduate certificate program fosters interdisciplinary collaboration by providing opportunities to work on team projects and engage in discussions with professionals from various backgrounds. This collaborative environment enables students to develop effective communication and leadership skills necessary for driving change in complex healthcare settings. 
  1. Career Advancement Opportunities: The demand for healthcare systems engineers is rapidly growing as healthcare organizations recognize the need for innovative approaches to optimize their operations. Graduates of a healthcare systems engineering program are equipped with in-demand skills and are well-positioned for career advancement. They can pursue roles such as healthcare consultants, process improvement specialists, healthcare project managers, or operational leaders within healthcare organizations. 

In an era of increasing complexity in healthcare, the role of healthcare systems engineers has become indispensable. A graduate certificate in Healthcare Systems Engineering equips individuals with the specialized knowledge and skills necessary to drive transformative change in healthcare organizations. By combining engineering principles with healthcare management, graduates can enhance operational efficiency, improve patient outcomes, and contribute to the overall advancement of the healthcare industry. Embracing the principles of healthcare systems engineering is a powerful step towards creating a more efficient, safe, and patient-centered healthcare system.  

If you have questions about online Graduate Certificate in Healthcare Systems Engineering at UofL, need more information on the course structure or guidance on how to get started, feel free to contact our dedicated online enrollment counselors at 800.871.8635 or  



Meet Shiryuko Dennis! Shiryuko is a UofL Online Bachelor of Science in Organizational Leadership and Learning (BS OLL) student with a track-focus in Interdisciplinary Early Childhood Education (IECE). We asked her some questions about her online BS OLL experience—let’s read her responses below!   

Why did you select the BS OLL program and IECE track? 

I selected the OLL and Interdisciplinary Early Childhood Education track program because I have a deep passion for working with children, and I wanted a program that would allow me to pursue my education while still being able to engage with them actively. The flexibility of the online learning format enables me to balance my studies with other commitments, including spending quality time with my husband, who is the love of my life, a major support system, and a fellow student in the OLL program. We are pursuing our educational goals together, adding extra motivation and shared experiences. Additionally, the program’s interdisciplinary approach appealed to me as it provides a broader understanding of early childhood education by incorporating diverse perspectives from various disciplines. 

What are you enjoying most about the program? 

What I enjoy most about the program is the opportunity to connect and collaborate with fellow students and faculty members through online discussions and group projects. The program has fostered a sense of community and shared learning despite not being physically present in a traditional classroom setting. I also appreciate the access to a wide range of resources, including research articles, case studies, and online learning materials, which have enriched my understanding of early childhood education theories and practices.  

Do you feel the program is providing the skills you need to be successful in your career? 

Yes, the program provides the skills I need to succeed in my career. The curriculum is comprehensive and covers important aspects such as child development, educational psychology, curriculum planning, assessment strategies, and family engagement. The coursework is designed to provide theoretical knowledge and practical skills, which I believe will be valuable in my future role as an early childhood educator. Additionally, the program incorporates field experiences and practicum opportunities, allowing me to apply what I have learned in real-world settings and gain hands-on experience. 

Would you recommend the program? Why? 

Absolutely, I would highly recommend the program to others. The OLL and Interdisciplinary Early Childhood Education track program has exceeded my expectations in terms of flexibility, academic rigor and the support provided by faculty and staff. The program has equipped me with a solid early childhood education foundation and given me the confidence to pursue my career goals. The combination of online learning and an interdisciplinary approach has enriched my learning experience and broadened my perspectives. I believe that this program will prepare future educators to make a positive impact on the lives of young children and their families. 

We are grateful to Shiryuko for her thoughtful answers to our questions and for taking the time to share her experience with us! You can learn more about the BS OLL degree and IECE track here